tHe crooKed WorD

As of April 30, 2014 we will no longer be posting reviews on tHe crooKed WorD. Reading is like breathing for us - and discovering new books and authors has been a wonderful adventure - but the time has come for us to move on. Thank you for your support, for allowing us into your lives, and for letting us influence in some small way the contents of your bookshelves.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Noah Zarc

Noah Zarc
by D Robert Pease

315 pages

Noah lives for piloting spaceships through time, dodging killer robots and saving Earth’s animals from extinction. Life couldn’t be better. However, the twelve-year-old time traveler soon learns it could be a whole lot worse. His mom is abducted and taken to thirty-first century Mars; his dad becomes stranded in the Ice Age; and Noah is attacked at every turn by a foe bent on destroying a newly habitable, post-apocalyptic Earth.
Traveling through time in the family’s immense spaceship, Noah, a paraplegic from birth, must somehow care for the thousands of animals on board, while finding a way to rescue his parents. Along the way, he discovers his mother and father aren’t who he thought they were, and there is strength inside him he didn’t know he had


 If you have newphews or grandsons or know any boy late elementary age or jr high, this would make a great present!
This book is tightly written with a very strong voice. By that I mean that the narrator Noah is completely fleshed out. Within the first page you can hear a twelve-year old boy telling you about his adventures. This is not an easy feat and Pease seems to do so effortlessly. Noah is clever and daring and though he's smart, he still doesn't understand the technicality (I just made that word up) of a lot of things that enable the life he leads. Noah truly goes on a journey in this book. It's fun. There's danger, surprise, friendship, lies, and best of all - Noah changes and grows through the book. I love that!
This book is 315 pages, but the font is pretty big and almost double spaced, so I wouldn't worry about a kid not finishing it. (Plus, we live in the age after Harry Potter, kids are used to book way bigger than this). It's target audience is very clear, but I still found it enjoyable and think you might, too.
Look, the other great thing about this book is you don't have to be worried at all about giving this to a little kid. I've read Ender's Game, and though I have no problems with the small amount of language in that book or believing that kids use such language, it is very refreshing that there is no offensive language! That can sometimes be a hallmark of a really cheesy, fluffy story (which I almost never care for), but this didn't feel that way at all! A boy would not be embarrassed in the least to read this book.
Can you tell I loved this book. This is totally in time for Christmas. Go to and there is a list of where you can buy/download this.

I am going to rate this book within its own genre and age group. . . in which case it get 5/5 stars!
And thank-you so much to Mr. Pease for actually mailing me a hard copy of his wonderful book as I am still in the Ice Ages when it comes to electronic books. :)


  1. Thank you for such a nice review. It always feels great to have someone who seems to "get it". I just wanted to write a fun adventure that boys (girls too) would love. Thanks again!

  2. Mr. Pease, I recently asked Aroura for a recommendation of a good book for my nephew. He is 10 and LOVES to read! He went through Harry Potter in 3 days. He is always in need of good books.

    When she offered your book as a good option, I was so happy!

    It is so refreshing in this day and age to find an author that can write a great and entertaining story for all ages without adding the offensive language.

    I am so excited to give this to him for Christmas! I bought a copy for my daughter too! I will keep coming back for your great books!


  3. Sorry I missed your comment earlier, Michelle. Thanks so much! I hope your kids love it. You'll have to let me know what they think.
