tHe crooKed WorD

As of April 30, 2014 we will no longer be posting reviews on tHe crooKed WorD. Reading is like breathing for us - and discovering new books and authors has been a wonderful adventure - but the time has come for us to move on. Thank you for your support, for allowing us into your lives, and for letting us influence in some small way the contents of your bookshelves.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Portal (Portal Chronicles, #1)
by Imogen Rose

350 pages
Published January 23, 2010

Six words that propelled ice hockey playing tomboy, Arizona, into an alternate dimension. In one moment she went from being an ice hockey playing teenager in New Jersey to a glamorous cheerleader in California.

She found herself with a new dad. She found herself in a new life. One that she had apparently lived in always. Everyone knew her as Arizona Darley, but she isn't.

She was Arizona Stevens.

She knew she had to find her way back to her real life, to her real dad.

Then she met Kellan.


I enjoyed this book. It was a fun, quick read. My one complaint is with the mother's memories. I understand why they were there, but they took me out of the story I wanted to be reading.

4/5 stars

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